
Nikki Norberg changes lives with a Smile

BHS student, senior Nikki Norberg is headed to Peru on August 3 to volunteer with the Smile Network.

Photo by Nick Weeks

The Smile Network is a Minnesota based organization that travels around the world to help children obtain surgeries for birth defects. They focus on cleft lip, which is separation of the left and right side of the upper lip. The surgeries cost about $500 each, but through the Smile Network, volunteers and donations allow the surgeries to be free to the children who need them.

“I wanted to do something like this after graduating. I’ve been bringing it up to my dad for years and he finally said that I could. He knows people who have done this, so he thought it would be a good idea to do it with them,” Norberg states.

Norberg won’t just be flying to Peru hospitals right away, she has to go through a lot before going.

“I’ve been exercising every day to get into shape because when I’m there I’ll be walking about 15 miles each day. We hike the Inca trail for four days and end up in Machu Picchu volunteering in hospitals [for 13 days]. But one thing I’m most nervous about is getting the shots to go there.”

Once Norberg gets to Peru, she’s going to be deciding which children get the surgery, and preparing the ones who get it.
“Families who need help walk up to three days to get to us. We assess the children. Unfortunately, some have to be turned away for reasons such as being underweight, it’s just too dangerous to do a surgery on them.”
“In Peru, people with cleft lips are shunned and looked down upon. The surgery basically saves these kids’ lives.”
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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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