Music and Masquerade
Singers, Bands, and Strings, practice in preparation for the NOFM concert.

Jazz bands, Strings, BHS, and Treble singers clash as one for a night of Music and Masquerade in the Performing Arts Center on the night of March 23rd. Bring your bidding skills because the doors open at 6:30 pm for a silent auction.
The Night Out for Music concert has historically been the biggest music department fundraiser. Last year, they raised over $15,000. They do not reach this by at-the-door ticket sales, but by free-will donations and the silent auction. Bidding opens the day before the concert, so you can still bid on things you might want even if you can’t attend the concert.
The silent auction generally includes themed gift baskets made by music department students and others, student artwork, some signed pieces, etc… It is all done digitally through BIDPARTNER.NET/NOFM, so you can keep checking your bids even during the concert. Keep your eye out for the goodies you want because bidding closes at intermission. At the end of the concert, you can pick up the things you bought or it can get to you another way if you are not there.
Concert Starts at 7:30 pm and is completely free of charge. All are welcome and encouraged to show up.