
A Miracle

“My twin sister and I were born four months premature on May 31,1997,” said Freshman Mariah Clark. Shortly after our birth my sister passed away from severe brain damage and prematurity.”

“I survived weighing 1.6 lb, but I almost died from meningitis. I was born with brain damage and cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy affects my muscle movement and coordination. It was caused by an injury to the brain that occurred before birth.”

“Since I learn at a slower pace than most, I stand out from the crowd. It makes me embarrassed that I have bad balance and I can’t run as fast as everyone else. I try to forget about these things and move on with my life. I hate it that people judge me; they don’t even know who I am and what I’ve been through,” said Clark.

“ I don’t understand why people bully because everyone has flaws; nobody’s perfect,” said freshman Maisie Walter.“I’ve been Mariah’s best friend since kindergarten and it makes me sad that she can’t do everything as easily as everyone else, but she is a normal person. I enjoy guiding her and helping her because it shows that I care about her and tributes it to our friendship.”

“My parents tell me they love me and  treat me like a normal kid,”said Clark. “I’ve realized how lucky I am to have family and friends that care about me. Even though I have to try harder than others, I’m thankful to be alive, have all of my senses, and the ability to do things by myself.”

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Maria Zimmerman

I've been in gymnastics for three years.

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