
College roommates: Seniors anxiously await roommate assignment

As senior year comes to a close, students are thinking more and more about college. Along with college comes a scary new experience: having a roommate. Most people go into college not knowing their roommate and have to adapt to living with a stranger. 

“I’m nervous to have a roommate because it could be absolutely anybody,” said Senior Sadie Holland. “I have never had to share anything and now I will have to share a room with someone and a bathroom with 25 other people.”

One of the most intimidating things about having a roommate is the fact that there is little to no say in who people will be living with for the next year.

“There are three people to a dorm at Northwestern College,” said Senior Amanda Doebler. “I didn’t fill out an interest survey or anything so I will end up with anyone.”

Other times, students are able to have some say in where they will be rooming.

“I get to pick where my room is,” said Holland. “At Bethel, you get put in a draw and are given a time to go online and look at a blueprint of the building you’re in and you pick the room. Whoever else picks that room is your roommate.”

Through the intimidation of a completely new experience, Seniors are still excited to be in the place of this year’s college Freshmen.

“I am most looking forward to having the experience of living with someone new and meeting so many new people,” said Senior Abby Bollum. “I think having a roommate that you don’t know will make you try different things and open doors for you that wouldn’t be opened if you roomed with someone you have known your whole life.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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