
Buffalo High School Celebrates Earth Day

On Thursday, April 22nd Buffalo High school Celebrates Earth day. It was a grand success for the lucky students of Buffalo High School. “As I first pulled into the parking lot, I noticed other students standing in front of the parking area with “Happy Earth Day” signs,” said Nick Jones.  Earth Day has been a Celebrating day for 40 years all around the U.S.A.

According to Buffalo’s Green Team, 20% of non-recyclable objects are thrown into the wrong waste bin. The remaining 80% are recycled correctly. Did you know that 2000 lbs of recycled paper saves seventeen trees? Two Barrels of oil used for printer ink, can run a car for 1,538 miles. That’s a lot of Tree’s and oil to be used just for things to read and write on.

Students like Emily Anderson were being apart of Earth day doing things to make  Earth Day count. ” I shut off all the lights in my house, carpooled to school, and I also helped the Green Team with promoting carpooling,” said Senior Emily Anderson. Things like that can help the Earth in so many ways.

As Earth Day came to an end, kids all over Buffalo did things to make the Earth more Green. Treat every day like an Earth Day and it will help Earth to be more Green.

“Earth Day to me is EVERY DAY. We owe it to our world to protect it,” said Emily Anderson

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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