
One Act: “The Pagent” receives top honors at Conference

The Buffalo One Act team received a Six Star Performance at the Conference meet at Cambridge-Isanti on Saturday. This ranking was the highest of any school at the meet.

Mallory Nelson and Julie Bothum both received All-Conference honors, and D.J.  McMoil and Michael Patchen received All- Conference Honorable Mention. Rebekah Herdklotz was awarded with All-Conference Tech Team.

“Buffalo does quite well, we take it quite seriously,” said Patchen. “We send messages through our characters, but don’t want to over do it so people don’t take offense to it.”

The play they perform this year is called “Pagent Play”. It’s based on a 2001 documentary called “Living Dolls”, with a mix of the TLC show, Toddlers and Tiaras.

“It’s funny but serious and it exposes the parents living through their children by doing anything to help their children win,” said  One-Act Coach Tracy Hagstrom-Durant.

The play is about how little girls who are heavily involved in pageants and become emotionally abused from how far their guardians and coaches are willing to go to win.

“We use puppets to convey a message about how children put into pagents are turned into faceless, lifeless beings that get toyed around with,” said Senior Michael Patchen.

Buffalo’s One-Act is hosting the Sub-Section competition this Saturday at the high school. It will begin at 10:00 A.M. and Buffalo will perform at 1:00 P.M

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