
ACTs- December 12th

This Saturday, December 12th, 2009, is the ACT test at Buffalo High School. There are five parts to the ACT Test. Depending on the college requirements, students can choose to take the writing section. Here are the top ten test-taking tips from Family Education.

“It’s a timed test so I would encourage people to look at practice books so that they know what to expect,” said Senior Kayle Hemze.

1. Be Equipped: On the night before the test you should gather everything you’ll need: the admission ticket, a valid form of photo identification, several #2 pencils, a calculator with fresh batteries (for the SAT only), a watch, and a high-energy snack. 2. Don’t Cram : You’ve worked hard. The best thing to do the evening before the test is to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve covered the content and you’ve perfected the skills. Now it’s time to get in test mode — calm, rested, confident, and ready. 3. Dress in Layers : The climate in test centers can vary from sauna-like to frigid. Be prepared for both extremes and everything in-between. You need to be comfortable to do your best. 4. Arrive Early : You may want to scope out your test location before test day to ensure that you know where you’re going. Getting to the test should be the least of your concerns. 5. Don’t Spend too Much Time on One Question : Each question is worth the same number of points. If a question is confusing or too time-consuming, don’t lose your cool. Instead, move on to greener pastures. You can come back to hard questions if you have time at the end of a section. 6. Don’t Look for Unscored Questions/Sections : The experimental section on the SAT is well-camouflaged. Sometimes the ACT contains experimental questions that are scattered throughout the sections. Do your best on every question–that way, you’re covered. 7. Keep Track of Where You Are in a Section : On the SAT, obvious answer choices early in a set may be correct. Obvious choices near the end of a set are often booby traps. 8. Guess Aggressively : If you don’t know an answer, don’t leave the question blank or guess randomly. Eliminate the choices you know are wrong, then make an educated guess from the remaining options. Remember, if you can eliminate even one answer choice then it pays to guess on the SAT. On the ACT, students aren’t penalized for guessing. Only the correct answers count toward their score, so it is better to guess than leave a blank. 9. Be Careful Filling in the Answer Grid : Make sure you’re filling in answers next to the right numbers. 10. Relax : Your attitude and outlook are crucial to your test-day performance. Be confident.

For students that are taking the ACT tomorrow, be here by 7:45 sharp and get plenty of rest tonight! Good luck!

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