
Senior Homecoming Week!

By Rachael Etter
By Rachael Etter

Three years ago, the Class of 2010 stepped into high school. Everything that they have known for four years at school will be their last, including homecoming. With their last pep rally, final homecoming football game, last dance, and last time to go “all out” for a week, the seniors with to experience the best.

“I want to make the most of it. It’s senior year, this is the last homecoming we’ll get. Hopefully it’s a good one,” said senior Amanda Pederson.

As seniors transition from blue to black,they find humor when they witness their classmates “all decked out.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing all the classes decked out, especially the senior hallway,” said senior Ben Henson.

In school, everyone is against each other in for certain competitions, but all are united for the football game under the Friday night lights.

“I like how even though on Thursday all the classes split up. On Friday we can all come back together for the football game,” said senior Taylor Zook.

Buffalo High School has a lot of school spirit and it is evident through all the students.

As the week of homecoming started there were plenty of seniors that dressed up but some were more dressed up than others. Monday was “Neon Day” and a lot of the school was dressed up. Many students wore just a neon t-shirt but senior Tim Ruter had on a neon skirt.

“I just wanted to look good,” said Ruter, who later won an award for the day.

Tuesday was “JaMakin’ Me Crazy Day,” and not as many students were dressed up, compared with the other days. Seniors Dan Hanson, Kane Nelson, Cody Ling, and Lowell Engle, all dressed up as the Jamaican bobsled team, running around the locker bays with boxes as their bobsled. They all won the dress-up awards.

Wednesday was “Wild Wild West day. People were dressed up in many different styles of country-western outfits, from combinations of cowboy boots and hats to guys wearing short shorts. Not very many students dressed-up on Wednesday but the ones that did looked like real cowboys and cowgirls.

Thursday was “Class Color Day”. It is always a highly anticipated occasion for students. seniors started arriving at the school around 6 o’clock Thursday morning to paint the rock, hang out and have fun. It is a tradition the the seniors have done for years. They then marched the hallways and chanted as the rest of the school looked on. Most likely thinking of the day that they wear all black.

Friday was Bison pride day. The day for the whole school and students to come back together after Thursday’s combat between classes. The hallways were flooded with purple, black and white. Just about everyone in the school had on some purple. As the 7 p.m. game time approached the bleachers at the stadium kept rapidly filling up. At kick-off it was just a wave of purple cheering and screaming. The football team helped add to the homecoming excitement as they beat Monticello 28-0.

To finish out the week there was a fun night after the game until midnight and then on Saturday at 7 there was a dance. There was a lot of students and even some others visiting from other schools. The dance floor was very crowded and hot, but it was filled with memories as the seniors ended their last homecoming.

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