
National Breakfast Week

Breakfast week is nationwide annually around the U.S. starting on March 8th through March 12th. They also have a national lunch week, although thats in October. With this year’s theme for breakfast “Ready-set-go” they are starting it off with chances to get free breakfast every morning in the cafeteria the lunch ladies set out a box where you can put your name in for a chance to win a free breakfast, like a breakfast sandwich. They offer breakfast sandwiches or muffins, burritos, bistro sandwiches, and much more along with your choice of milk or/and juice.

“The point of having a national breakfast week,” said lunch lady Katie Lohse. “Is to put focus on the food program and what we offer every morning in the cafeteria.” Breakfast is an important part of the day, so a good nutritious breakfast is essential for our bodies and ability to focus. It’s known that children and adults that have breakfast do better in school. When you skip breakfast, you are more likely to become more tiered because your brain and your body run low of fuel.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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