Love is in the air!… Or not? Valentines Day is widely known as a day to let that special someone or family and friends know how much you care about them. It is also a day of bitterness for some people.
Valentine’s Day has now been frequently referred to as “Single Awareness Day” because of the main focus being on couples.
“You think you are single now but just wait until Valentine’s Day, then you really know you are single,” Said Senior Megan Metz.
Although the holiday brings in mixed feelings, it also brings in a ton of money. According to CNN.com V-Day rakes in $18.6 billion in America alone. About $1.6 billion of that is spent on just candy.
“I would much rather receive chocolates than flowers. Flowers die so fast and you can never have too much chocolate,” Said Senior Brianna Hartke.
Not everyone has such harsh feelings when it comes to the day devoted to love.
“I think it’s a great day to show off how much you love your friends and family, not just your significant other,” Said Senior Garrett Grage.
Photo By: Daniel Moyle