

Driving down the road you and your friends are ready to go out and just have a good time. You get a call telling you that there is a party just down the road. Anxious, you and your friends decide to go. When you walk in the smell of beer, hard liquor, and smoke of all different kinds fill the air. Everyone is having an amazing time as you can see. You are new to this kind of enviornment, when somone asks if you want a ‘swig’ of their drink you first think to your self ‘Should I do it? Everyone else seems to be having a good time. Why can’t I?’
According to an Enzine Article, 1400 teens die from drugs and drinking every year. They think that teens often find themselves being peer pressured into drinking and smoking, but is that all it could be? If a teen is surrounded by everyone else drinking, smoking and just having a good time is that being peer pressured? Going to parties where a person will offer a drink and when I refused they politely say “Alright that’s cool.” So is it true that people who party are bad influences? Or is that just something that parents say to keep their kids from that kind of enviornment?
 “My parents don’t really care what I do just as long as I’m home by midnight or I’m spending the night some where,” said an anomous student. “I mean I have been to parties where people are drinking, but it’s not all what parents think. We don’t drink to get drunk, we drink as if it’s a social event and to losen up a little.”
According to a survey I gave out to the students almost 70% say that they have drank or they do drink. And about 52% said that their parents know that they go out drinking with their friends every weekend. So is it the students that are the problem or the parents that aren’t taking control of what their kids do?
“I like to say that my parents are just a little more laid back, it’s not that they don’t care it’s just that they trust me with my friends,” said anonomous student. “They just don’t trust some of my friends and that’s how I get in trouble, but getting into trouble means I’m grounded for a week.”
Studies have shown that when teens go into high school they want to get their name out their in some kind of way. Which leads to teens going out and trying a drink or a smoke with their friends because they like to know what the feeling is, or experimenting. But is with 1400 deaths a year from partying is it really worth the swig?
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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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