
“She’ll wear the appetizers on her dress.”

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be? BHS students and staff named who they would most like to go to dinner with.

Lady Gaga

“She’ll wear the appetizers on her dress,” said freshman Holly Larkin.


“I’d like to  talk and ask him if I’m taking the right path,”  said sophomore Jordan Sigurdson.


George Washington

“He’s a great leader and I want to be one too,”  said senior Taylor Walter.

Katy Perry

“She started out as a christian artist and then she came out with I Kissed a Girl and she fell from her faith and I’d like to know why. Sometimes I pray for her,”  said junior Hayley Downing.

John F. Kennedy

“To find out more about him because he died at such a young age,” said principal Mark Mischke.

My kid

My wife had a miscarriage, so I’d like to meet my kid,”  said American Experience teacher Todd Manninen.

Thomas Jefferson

“He was a renaissance man who had so many types of genius,” said English teacher Joel Squadroni.

Ayn Rand

“She’s a philosopher and I’d like to argue with her,” said senior Jon Wirkkala.


“I’d like to know how he felt and what he was thinking during the process when  he betrayed Jesus,” said senior David Rayl.

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Let me tell you a little something about life. It's long yet short at the same time. Or here this is summed up even better "Basically, what I am trying to tell you is that, in this game called life you don't stand a chance." -Raymar Tirado

Maria Zimmerman

I've been in gymnastics for three years.

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