
Czanstkowski begins her own Happiness Project

Junior Kala Czanstkowski kicks a small blue box, now designated as her ‘sad box’ across the room.

Loosely based off

Photo by Nicholas Weeks

the book The Happiness Project, Czanstkowski has created a system with two boxes- one for happy thoughts, and one for sad.

“In The Happiness Project, the lady looks at her life and thinks it could be better. It encouraged me to create boxes for myself to work through my every day life.”

Messages in the bright pink ‘happy box’ range from a good score on a chemistry test to Christmas memories, which Czanstkowski hopes to update at least once a day.

“I write things that brighten my day, then I can pull them out randomly, or before I go to bed and remember the best parts of my day. ”

In contrast, the sad box, covered in painting tape, contains the not-so happy events of the day.

Photo by Nicholas Weeks

“When I write out the bad things they don’t bother me as much, and I can move on with my day. I can also just beat up the box.”

Although there are few guidelines pertaining to what qualifies for either box, Czanstkowski has only one permanent rule: there must always be more happy cards than sad at any one time.

“I’m trying something new here, it makes me happy, and also spreads happiness around me. Making myself happy makes others happy too. Happiness is contagious.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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