
Classes celebrate Class Color Day 2009

Thursday was a very eventful day at BHS. Class color day started at about 6 a.m. as the seniors, all dressed up in black, headed out to the rock that was brought in by the class of 1984. With black and white spray paint in hand the seniors decked out the rock in many significant ways. Some seniors put their names on the rock. Others put items and things that symbolize them and some just painted seniors. They stayed out their until about 7:20 and then they lined up at the doors to march the hallways. As they walked by all the kids stopped and stared at the wave of black. When the seniors got up to the front in the atrium all eyes were on them.

“I was very impressed with the behaviors of our seniors,” Said principle Mark Mischke. “(Class color day) is a unique privilege that most schools don’t do.”

Seniors gather at the Rock on Class Color Day. Photo by Rachael Etter
Seniors gather at the Rock on Class Color Day. Photo by Rachael Etter

In the atrium the seniors started chanting 20-10, 20-10 and at the end they added a loud “SENIORS.”

The day then went on as any other class color day with the seniors ruling the school and maybe a few freshman shaking in their shoes! That is the point of class color day. It is a day to recognize and roast the seniors as it is their last run and a day to welcome the freshmen to the high school.

Mischke also said that the day went very well because of the leadership of each class and he is looking forward to next year.

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