
Buffalo Students excell in Mississippi 8 Art Conference

On May 8th, a group of selected Buffalo Art students boarded buses headed to Rogers highschool to participate in a district wide Visual Arts Competition. Over the course of the year, the students have been instructed in the various forms of art, and have been encouraged to practice their growing skills by taking extra art classes such as Drawing, Painting, Jewelry, or Ceramics. These students have worked hard, perfecting their craft and experimenting with different aspects and mediums of art with the Mississippi 8 conference as the ultimate goal in the eyes of the young artists; an equivalent to a State tournament for any athlete.

On May 8th, nineteen students boarded the bus with their art pieces specially selected by the BHS Art Department and headed to Rogers Highschool where the artwork was all on display.  Large scale mass media paintings, hand made dresses, charcoal drawings, photographs, and ceramic tea pots were a few of the things lining the tables that the other schools had submitted for this event.

“I think the best part of the competition was walking around listening to everyone talk about art.” says Junior Samantha Greenfeild, “Some of the people there were so passionate about art that listening to them critic and comment on things taught me some things.”

BHS Art Stuents gathered with their art for a group photo.
BHS Art Stuents gathered with their art for a group photo.

After a few rounds around the gallery, all of the students attending this event were driven to the Walker Sculpture Garden for a picnic and an afternoon of inspiration from the famous sculptures found there. Another short trip and the students were back in time for the Award Ceremony to begin.

Out of the nineteen students from Buffalo, five students came home with awards for their work. With congratulations all around from other schools to all of the students from Buffalo, the young artists came home with smiles on their faces and inspiration in their minds. For some of the students this art competition was an end to a year of hard work and determination, and for others its the reminder that next year is a fresh start.

“I guess it never occurred to me that Art is more of a competition to some people rather than a hobby. I had fun just drawing what I wanted, and now I have to wonder if I should take it more seriously.” reflects Greenfield, “Though, I probably will just keep doing as I always have done. To me Art is an expression rather than a competition.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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