
Buffalo High School launches official Twitter account

Buffalo High School now has an official presence on Twitter.  The account, @bhsbison, mostly gives results of games and gets news out about school events.

“The thought behind getting a Twitter for BHS was to get the news out there about our school,” said Activities Director Tom Bauman. “Another reason why we are using Twitter account is that is becoming another way of communication that is most commonly used.”

Some high school students are refusing to follow this Twitter account because they feel it’s an invasion of their privacy. Some said that they worry about the school having access to their Tweets or personal information.

“I am careful on what I put up online but it still makes me nervous that BHS could look at what I am tweeting about,” said Junior Maddi Herzfeld. “I think its a bad idea. My personal life and school life should be kept separate.”

Others have said that they like that the school is trying to reach out to them and get news out.

“I like the fact that Buffalo is trying new things. I feel that it is easy to hear about things, like after school activities and sport events,”said Freshman Scott Welch. “I have no problem with the school looking at my account because I am smart about what I put on it.”

Both Assistant Principal Brandon Prell and Bauman said that they had no intention of monitoring students accounts. They only created it to get news out about the school.

“We just made it a one way stream of information, in no way did we try to invade students privacy. All we wanted to to was provide service and get up to date on ways of communications.” said Prell.

Story by Josh Fischmann

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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