
Two sports, Too Much?

Many of the students here at BHS are involved in a spring sport, but some also do a second spring sport outside of school. Their schedules are often very busy from having to juggle the practices and games/meets of their two sports as well as school.

Peter Deneen a sophomore plays both tennis and soccer and practices for an hour and a half to two hours for both of those sports

“Sometimes it makes me feel stressed” he said “because I don’t have time for anything else.”

Sophomore Claire Stevens admits that being in two sports at the same time is impacting her performance at school. “It depends on how often my lacrosse is, if we have games or practices, usually games will stress me out more” she says.

Many of them practice for and upwards of four hours per night and they often find it hard to find time to do their homework whether before they start practice or a game, or after they are all done for the night and sometimes when they can’t find the time they don’t do it.

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Ethan More

Current member of the DREAM TEAM, reigning JV champ, and sometimes referred to as "the best"

Alec Wakefield

Current member of the DREAM TEAM, and co-founder of the Gouda Ghetto.

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