
Have Trimesters Changed the Sounds of the Season?

The Sounds of the Season concerts reflect the effects of change in the music department

The BHS Choir Program will be holding its Sounds of the Season concerts tonight at 6pm and 8pm. Both concerts will feature the same groups performing the same pieces.

In previous years, the two concerts were held on two different nights, allowing concert-goers to attend whichever one suited their schedules the best. This year, however, both performances will be on the same night, two hours apart.

“In the past, from what I’m aware of, parents have wanted two different nights to attend in case they’re working for one [of the dates],” Concert Choir member Kiley Herbst ‘24 said. “This year, I don’t really know why we’re having two because they’re on the same night, but I think it’s in case people get off of work later [they can still go]. That could possibly be a reason why.”

Partly due to the time limit now placed on the first concert, groups have put together a little less music than they have in previous years.

“We’ve had to limit how much [music] we’re putting in the concert, but that’s kind of worked out because we’ve had shorter blocks and shorter time to prepare for the concert,” Herbst said. “The music is relatively just as difficult, there’s just going to be less music overall.”

The new concert schedule will also change the experience of the performing students.

“What has happened [in the past] is that the first night is an alright night, but we go back to school the next day and still are prepping for the same concert that we’d already done, so the second night’s better,” Herbst said. “Because it’s all on the same night, we can’t really do that process anymore. [The BHS Singers] have also done carols before the concert on the steps of the PAC but this year I don’t think that’s going to happen just because we have to take the photos for the yearbook [before the first concert] and we have to just get ready for the next concert after that.”

Despite the changes, Sounds of the Season promises an enjoyable experience for both the audience and the choirs, with the latter group looking forward to getting back into the familiar atmosphere of a performance.

“My favorite part is the camaraderie between everyone and the community aspect,” Herbst said. “Behind stage, BHS Singers are never really sitting in the audience watching, so while everyone’s performing, we’re talking and getting ready to sing, and it’s just really enjoyable and fun.”

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