
Buffalo Mock Trial places seventh in State

On Tuesday morning March 10 the Buffalo Mock Trial team left the High School to compete in the State tournament, held in Duluth, MN. Participating team members included Senior Jacob Westman, Senior Micheal Chenowith, Junior Lindy Jensen, Junior Graham Wyatt, Junior Kenzie Haight, Junior Dan Comstock, Sophomore Colm Macnab, Sophomore Micheal Porttin, Sophomore Kassi Williams, Freshman Beth Macnab, and Freshman Zach Marrandino. Coach Mrs. Raymond and Coach Mr. Ronken instrumentally helped guide the team to State.

Buffalo Mock Trial left the High School at 7:45 on March 10, arriving at Duluth around 11:30. They had until 4:00 to get settled and ready for their first trial against Visitation High School.

“You could feel the tension, when we got there we were treated to a lunch and I didn’t really want to eat anything for fear of it coming back up during the trial, said Chenowith. I’m glad I didn’t too, my nerves were crazy during the actual trial, I was pretty nervous, but I’m glad how it all turned out.”

Buffalo began their trial at 4:00 against Visitation, a High School for girls only.


“You know, the trial was amazing, we had new theories and new ideas come at us that had never been heard before and we did excellent, we stayed on our feet and we fought strong, says Westman. I couldn’t have been happier with our performance.”

Buffalo dropped the first ballot by a total of four points and was paired with Canby High School for the next round. Buffalo came out victorious with a 20 point lead over Canby. During both trials Graham Wyatt suffered a severe illness that caused his voice to become hoarse and his face pale.

“He did exceptionally well for being so sick, his performance was amazing, he delivered his closing and examinations perfectly, says Raymond.”

Buffalo competed against Lakeville North in the round before determining who advanced to the final competition, Buffalo’s opening was delivered by Westman, followed by witnesses Chenowith, Macnab, and Jensen, closing arguments were delivered by Wyatt.


“The performances this year at State were the best they had ever been. I was so proud of our performance in each round, I can’t wait for next year, says Raymond.”

Buffalo lost to Lakeville North by one point. Receiving a ballot with Buffalo winning by three and another ballot with Buffalo losing by four.

“It’s a point. But that’s all that matters is that one point, I would have rather lost by 20 points than by one, because that way we wouldn’t have to think about all of the “what ifs,” says Wyatt. Overall though, I’m so happy with what we did this year and how much we achieved, I’m excited for next year now.”

Buffalo Mock Trial had a of 20-0 record in the normal season and including regionals, altogether if you add the Bison’s Mock Trial record for the last three years they are 59-1.

“I have high hopes for next year, says Raymond. With us only losing two seniors this year and 10/12 spots still closed up for returning members who only leave the two remaining seats for new members, I wouldn’t be surprised at some interesting results next year.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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