
Pond hockey players are out and ready to skate.

With winter in our midst the water is frozen over and the ice skaters have now come out. Thanks to the amount of lakes and ponds here in Minnesota this is an ideal spot for any pond hockey lovers. Playing pond hockey has many up and down sides.

“It is fun and good exercise during the winter said Junior Ben Leipholtz. “ I wish I could play hockey on a league but it is to expensive.”

Another upside to playing pond hockey, is the fact that you get to play with friends and there are no rules and you can do what you want.

“I like pond hockey,” said Freshman Jake Ramsey. “Because there are no rules and you get to goof around.”

The downfall for pond hockey is the unpredictable weather conditions, and also the ice has to be safe to skate on.

“I feel like it is very tragic for me”, said Ramsey. “ because I can not skate as often as I would like.”

Also, sense pond hockey isn’t here in Minnesota all year round, it is long awaited for over the summer.

“I fall asleep everyday in the summer,” said Ramsey “Waiting for pond hockey to start.”

In the end, pond hockey seems to be a great time to get outside during the winter season. Even with a warm winter so far skaters are still finding time get out on the ice.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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