Principal Mark Mischke met with the junior class the have an honest discussion about rumors regarding the schedule, backpacks, cellphones, lockers, bathroom doors, and senior privileges that have been circulating BHS since the release of the new schedule and the removal of bathroom doors.
As Mischke stated in the meeting, admin does not want to go to extremes with changes, and want to come to a fair compromise regarding future policies. The following policies will be implemented in the 2019-20 school year:
The new schedule is aimed at improving relationships between BHS students and staff. Mischke also added that he could not truthfully say that Bison Time and AAA are currently beneficial to BHS students or staff.
Students will be allowed to carry backpacks, but can be asked to put them in their lockers if it is beneficial to teachers with smaller classrooms. Admin also asks that students keep as much stuff in lockers as possible to reduce the amount of stuff students carry.
All Students will be required to have a locker in their designated class area.
Cell Phones:
Students may use cell phones before and after school and during passing time. Phones will have to be appropriately stowed away during class times, unless the teacher permits technology use during class.
Bathroom doors:
The bathroom doors will remain off for the duration of the school year, and until further notice.
As for senior privileges, there is not clear answer yet. Mr. Mischke has called upon the class of 2020 to generate ideas. If any junior has an idea for senior privileges, they can present the idea to any school administrator, student council member, or member of any leadership group, and they will pass the idea on to Mr. Mischke.