
ACT testing on December 12th

The next ACT testing date is on December 12th. The registration deadline is on November 6th. The ACT includes English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing tests.

“The first time I took the test I was unprepared about how hard it was going to be. I would suggest someone to study a lot before the test,” said Kayla Hemze. The test takes approximately three or four hours. It requires a person to get a good night of sleep and a good breakfast before taking the test. The advice from many students is to pace yourself. Also, don’t be late, otherwise the person might not be admitted to taking the test. It begins at 8:00 a.m. The testing sights are in random classrooms throughout the school. There are 10 to 15 minute breaks between the first two tests.

From a poll on the ACT Student website, most people voted that English was the hardest subject. It contains 75 questions to be completed within 45 minutes. Following that was Foreign Language, Math, and Science. People can decide whether they want to take the writing section or not. It depends on the college or university they are planning on attending. Some colleges require that you do, and some do not. The test scores range from 1 to 36. The test is able to be taken up to twelve times! Again, the next testing date is December 12th!

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