
Snow Daze: Switched up Perspective

Yesterday’s dress-up day was Switch It Up. Students dressed as teachers and teachers dressed as students. Student’s choices of dress ranged from Mr. Bakke to Ms. Kunz. Teachers’ outfit varied as well. Spanish teacher Nancey Eiynck dressed as Senior Megan Downing with Downing’s  swim gear.

Photo by Joel Morehouse

“I thought I was accurate in my outfit because I was wearing a actual student’s outfit….the iPod was a bit cliche though,” said Eiynck.

“I thought it was hilarious! Senora Eynick did a great job of portraying me because that was something I would actually wear to school. Some of the staff seemed like they dressed up as students would when they went to school though. Sorenson did a really good job with the glasses and the headphones,” said Downing.

French teacher Jason Swanson had help from his fourth block class. His entire outfit was planned by his students and most of the clothing was donated for him to use.

English teacher Tracey Hagstrom-Durant dressed as Junior Vinnie Menth with a matching jacket, ball cap and T-shirt.

By Sam Mailhot

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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