Sabrina Kumlin – The Hoofprint Buffalo High School's student-run news source Tue, 02 Jun 2015 16:53:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sabrina Kumlin – The Hoofprint 32 32 New Stadium Construction Tue, 02 Jun 2015 16:53:08 +0000 The district recently passed a 33 million dollar bond. A major part of the bond is going to the new stadium that will begin construction over the summer and is scheduled to be completed in the Fall of 2016 Not all the money is going to the stadium; the bond is also going to a new gym, upgrading new computers, putting some new surveillance cameras in, and a bunch of smaller projects, so they will make the school a better and safer place.

Activities director on assignment, Tom Bauman’s job when it comes to all of the projects is that he’s the one that looks at everything to see if everything is where and how it should be. They made a redesign of the whole set up for the stadium which is almost finished. It will take at least nine months to finish all of the work that is being done for all of the fields. They are starting construction the summer of 2015, but the finished product won’t be done until the fall of 2016.

“ I’m not always in charge when it comes to the stadium. Sometimes the guy I work with he is more in charge in some of the spots. I know more when it comes to the athletic part and how we would want it to look, and he is more stronger when it comes to the actual construction  designing part,” said Bauman.

Bauman has said that teachers have been generally supportive about the stadium. The main staff that care about the new field because they are the ones that will be coaching on it. The teachers that don’t coach a sport or don’t really coach a sport that is going out on the stadium, they don’t mind it. They think that it’s a good idea to start upgrading, but it doesn’t really affect them.

“Teachers are always supportive with all of the decisions that happen at our school, because everyone just excepts each other since they know how it will benefit each other in the end of the day,” said Bauman.

With all the fields being built right next to each other, the schools attentions with that is to have students being around the school more.  People wouldn’t really have to chose one sport to go to, they would be able to bounce back and forth with the stuff going on around here. If there was a baseball game and a lacrosse game people would be able to watch part of both. Which would cause them people to support and show up to more sporting events going on that day. Their might be still some games at the middle school, but that will be optional for the coaches to decided.

“I really hope that when the new stadium gets built that more people with hang around the school longer. For homecoming I think that it will be easier for the fun night, because then people can walk over to the school instead of drive. The students will still be able to do their tailgating thing like they always have been doing,” said Bauman.

What’s Your Favorite? Tue, 26 May 2015 17:10:45 +0000 We asked BHS students what their favorite thing to do in gym is. Here are their responses:

Privileges Around Our District Tue, 05 May 2015 17:19:48 +0000 As we all know, at our school when we are seniors we are able to get a day off, and to leave the school at 2 p.m during fourth quarter. To be eligable for this privilege you have to meet certain standards. You must have good grades, attendence, and behavior, then you must take the Student Climate Survey, and turn in your permission form in order to utilize your senior privileges. Seniors will be expected to carry their pass at all times, and show it to any adult supervisor when requested to do so on their way out. Seniors will not be allowed to transport any student that doesn’t have a pass off school property at this time, or stay in the parking lot
themselves. In other words, if they leave the building during AAA or Bison Time, they will be expected to leave the school property. If any senior abuses this privilege or demonstrates that he/she cannot handle this freedom, he/she will have this privilege taken away.
“I like the senior privileges we have. I mean, I don’t get to use them very much, but when I do I usually go get a banana and water before I go to track” said Taylor Spier

Ever wonder what other seniors get as privileges at their school?

Big Lake-
The whole senior year the seniors get to pick if they want two hours off in the morning or afternoon.
Fourth quarter you are able to leave campus during AAA/Bison Time, also get the day before prom off.
The last Tuesday of the year, seniors are not required to go to school the rest of the week.
Maple Lake-
They have a last hour study hall which they don’t have to go to fourth quarter. They get the last week off.
Seniors get off a week early.
They get the last 30 minutes of school to go home.
The seniors are able to be TA’s. They get the last week off of school (before graduation.)

What school do you want to go to?

Bison Time: Is It Worth It? Wed, 25 Mar 2015 17:15:01 +0000 On Tuesdays and Thursdays for the last 20 minute of school we have Bison Time. Which is a class that we sign up for that we choose to either be studious or kind of lazy. A lot of the students in the school think that this time is pointless to have. They also think that we should be able to go home instead of sit in Bison Time or we should just have AAA all week.

Mia’s Bison Time is call Games 101 which he picked, but “I think its stupid, I could be using that 20 minutes for something else instead of pretending to play games” said Mia Janke

“See no point in Bison Time why don’t we just have AAA all week, but then again even that is pointless.” said  Emily Pierce

“If I didn’t have any friends in mine I think it would suck, but sense I have friends its not all that bad, so than I am able to get work done.” said Madison Nelson

If Bison Time is supposed to be helping us academically I don’t necessarily think that it is doing what it was attended for.

Animals on Instagram Thu, 05 Mar 2015 20:21:08 +0000 People think its weird to have animals on Instagram, but some think people thinks its cool. A lot of famous people have their pets on Instagram with thousand of followers.

When people see that animals on Instagram have more followers, and get more like on pictures then them, they tend to get mad because its just a dog.

Sammy Johnson, a senior, made an Instagram for her dog Peppie, “I love my dog, and I thought the world should she pictures of her.” said Sammy Johnson ” I sometimes get made fun of for it, but I don’t care.”

“I made mine, because my volleyball teammates had one, and I thought it would be funny to make one for my dog too so I did.” said Junior Emma Simonson

“I think its cute that they love their animals so much, and how they want other people to see them, but sometimes it gets out of hand, and they do it for the fame.” said Junior Ezmae Stevens

Bathroom Race Boys vs. Girls Fri, 27 Feb 2015 20:12:28 +0000 The rumor is that girls take longer in bathrooms than boys. We sat outside the bathroom doors and timed people from when they went in, to when they came out.

There are different factors that go into how long people take in the bathroom. Sometimes people go into the bathroom, but don’t actually use the bathroom, or maybe you have to wait in line, they could also just be going in to socialize with friends.

“I don’t go on my phone at school, but I do at home.” said Junior, Maddie Clubb

We took the times of eight boys, and eight girls.

Gender Male Female
Fastest time 30 seconds 34 seconds
Slowest time 6 minutes, 55 seconds 4 minutes, 25 seconds

“I get Snapchats from my friends while they’re in the bathroom, so I go meet up with them. Duty calls!” said Sophomore, Noah Evans

Turns out, the rumors may be true. The average female time spent in the bathroom was, 2 minutes and 46 seconds, compared to the Males average time of 2 minute and 31 seconds. They aren’t too far from each other, but this does prove that girls do, in fact, take more time in the bathroom.

]]> Puck Sluts. Funny or Offensive? Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:53:42 +0000 There’s a twitter page going around and being talked about called “Puck Sluts 101.” The page tells you things that girls usually say or do at hockey games. Puck sluts are girls that go to hockey games and claim that they know whats going on. Mainly the girls at the hockey games are for the sole fact of the hot boys or their boyfriends.

Urban dictionary’s definition of a puck slut is…. “A ‘hockey fan,’ usually female, who only like the sport because they hope to/already slept with the players on a team, and generally knows nothing about it.”

“I never heard of the term ‘puck slut,’ but when I saw the twitter page I couldn’t help but laugh.” said Kasmira Woodwick

“If I was on it or felt targeted I would find it offensive, but I think it funny my favorite tweet was the one about bringing my tanning bed to college.” said Madalynn Personius

The Preperation Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:25:26 +0000 Everyone has different ways they get ready to prepare for a big game. Most listen to music and just do their warm up, but some people have some superstitions that if they don’t do the same thing before games that they will lose.

Allison Roethke is on the girls varsity hockey team. She has been playing the on varsity team since the 8th grade. Before every game Roethke tapes her stick with white tape. She refuse to let the stick touch the ground before it hits the ice. Roethke has a superstition that she has to wear all black on game day or they will lose the game.

“Practices can be really hard but the effort you put in will be the same as what you get out of it.” said Roethke

Taylor Spier is the “all-star” forward of the boy varsity basketball team. On a Tuesday game Spier goes home and watches his recording of scorpion. On the big day Spier drinks as much water a possible from the time he get home until the game starts. He watches the first half of the jv game with his team then they head to the locker room. They screw around in there for about 10 minutes before they actually start changing. Then  coach Guida comes in the locker room and talks over the game plan and then they all head out.

” I don’t have any superstitions I trust the team.” said Spier

There are so many ways people prepare for a game. From just listing to music and doing the warm up to creating their own rituals. Most people on the same team have the same preparation because they are always together. Every sport you will find different ways they will prepare for the activity they are about to do.
