
College Roommates: Seniors live with familiar faces

Most people let the college they’re attending pick their freshman  roommates for them, but some prefer to choose their own roommates as people they have known their entire life. 

“I am rooming with my sister Sarah [Senior Sarah Durst],” said Senior Megan Durst. “I figured since we are going to the same college we might as well room together. We already know what it’s like to live together and she’s the sister I get along with the most.”

Choosing a roommate is fairly simple when you know want to be living with one specific person. Those tend to think it is easier living with someone you are already very familiar with.

“I chose to room with my cousin Doug next year,” said Senior Chuck Jacobs. “We are both going to the same college and we figured it would be a good idea because we have been more like siblings since we were kids. I think it will be a good opportunity going into the first year of college knowing somebody but not having to be with them all the time. There is more to our relationship than just being friends because of the fact that we are cousins, so it doesn’t matter if we fight.”

Knowing who your roommate is on a personal level provides a sense of comfort and relieves many of the pressures and stresses of the first experiences of college.

“I am excited to be going up there with someone I know and like,” said Jacobs. “I won’t have to wonder about having a bad roommate or not getting along with a roommate. I will be entering the best four years of my life so it’s nice knowing I like the person I will be with.”

Commonly said by many, rooming with someone you know and are friends with can ruin relationships, but theses students don’t let that sway their decisions.

“I guess I’m a little nervous about Doug and I ruining our relationship just because people always say that happens, but I really don’t think that will happen with us. We’ve already had our ups and downs and we’ve both recovered from it. If we fight, we will fight, and then we will get over it.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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