
Arts Finale 2009

Last Thursday on May 27th BHS entire Arts and Music department gathered together for the final art show of the year. Appropriately named the Arts Finale, the show included a walk-around gallery of all works of art created by BHS art students who were enrolled in Art I, Drawing I and II, Painting I and II, Jewelry, and Ceramics I, II, and III all submitted artwork to represent themselves and their classes to the rest of the community. Ceramics students put together a silent auction that enabled parents, peers, or appreciative art collectors to bid on student-made pots, bowls, or small sculptures.

At eight o clock, the doors to the Buffalo PAC were opened and people began to filter in to get seated for the All Choir Concert. The music department had chosen songs from various musicals and classic tunes to better show off their students talents in all rangers of pitches and harmonies. The Freshmen choir, the Varsity choir, the Men’s choir, the Varsity Singers, the Treble Singers, and the famed BHS singers all dressed for the evening and sang their best to end a year of hard work and preparation. Many of the senior students, this being their last choir experience of their time in BHS, were given solos and as their final notes rang through the gathered audience emotions ran high.

This year has been filled with many opportunities for students to show off their art talents. But a night consisting of the combined works of all of the three arts departments truly expressed the greatness that our students have attained over their time in BHS this year.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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