
2009 Homecoming Candidates announced (Video)

At the school assembly on Monday, September 14th, the teachers and administrators worked to control the chaos as students made their way to their new seating sections in the gym, assigned by grade. Students could be seen dancing and singing along to “Kokomo”, by the Beach Boys, as it played throughout the speakers in the gym. With the whole school in attendance, they awaited the announcement of the 2009-2010 Mixing Spoons and Homecoming King and Queen candidates.
Senior Robert Malmstein is greeted by other candidates for Homecoming Royalty at the pep fest on Friday. Photo by Joel Morehouse
Senior Robert Malmstein is greeted by other candidates for Homecoming Royalty at the pep fest on Friday. Photo by Joel Morehouse

Will Floersheim and Emily Greely were announced the new Mixing Spoons by Nancy Eiynk, as voted on by the senior class. Floursheim has now been teaching at BHS for three years, and Greely was new to the school this previous year. After being announced, they first introduced the teachers who are new to BHS, then continued to the Homecoming candidates.

The Homecoming King candidates are: Tucker Vogt, Domanick Bainey, Brent Kettenacker, Joel Morehouse, Billy Ogdahl, Robert Malmstein, Neil Gleason, and Jake Letsinger. The Homecoming queen candidates are: Frances Varner, Ashley Michalko, Maggie O’Donnell, Brielle Colebank, Kristin Jeske, Lizzy Lundebrek, Kristen Grundman, and Hannah Brecht . As each candidate was announced the school cheered them on loudly as they took their spot in the center of the gym.
The entire school will vote on their king and queen during SSR this week. Then the winners will be announced on Monday, September 21st at 7:30, during coronation in the PAC. Following the Coronation, there will be dress up days throughout the Homecoming week, consisting of: Neon Day, JaMakin Me Krazy, Wild Wild West, Class Color Day, and Bison Pride Day. These will give the students a chance to have fun dressing up and show their school spirit. The Homecoming football game will be on Friday September 25th at 7:00, followed by a Fun Night at BHS, starting at 9:30. The dance will be on Saturday September 26th, starting at 7:00.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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