About Us

The Hoofprint is the official student-run newspaper of Buffalo High School in Buffalo, Minnesota.

Our mission is to be authoritative, aggressive, essential, caring, and creative as a leading source of news and information for the students and staff of Buffalo High School.

The Hoofprint strives to be a forum where students and staff can exchange ideas and participate in a continuing discussion.

The staff of The Hoofprint and hoofprint.net is proud to say that both the newspaper and the website are entirely student-run. This means that all of the content is produced by students, and that all of the design is created by students, unlike many other school newspaper websites that purchase their design from elsewhere.

Our writers and editors are dedicated to presenting stories for and about the staff and students of Buffalo High School along with covering the issues that affect them. All of the views expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not represent the opinions of anyone else, including the staff and administration of Buffalo High School.

The Hoofprint cannot be responsible for the content of external sites, including those that are linked to in articles, and for the content of comments.

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