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The student run publication, The Hoofprint, is offering the opportunity for you to have your message seen throughout Buffalo High School. Our editions, which have a circulation that is approaching 2,000, is distributed throughout the community and will be seen by students at Buffalo High School, Buffalo Community Middle school, and staff and faculty members as well as visitors at the public libraries, school board members, and parents. We are offering print edition advertising as well as online advertising through our Pacemaker Awarded news site, which has over 1,750 followers on Facebook and averages 100-300 daily site visitors. Our rates are as low as possible in hopes that you’ll choose our publication to showcase your business.

The Hoofprint, which is in its 43rd volume, has had a profound history and effect at BHS. Our work has been featured on WCCO and throughout the years we have won a variety of awards; most recently, we have won four consecutive All State Gold awards and have earned nine consecutive 1st Class placements from the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). was an NSPA Pacemaker Award winner in 2011 and a Pacemaker Finalist in 2012.

If you want more information for advertising, see our Ad Contract or email us at [email protected].

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