
Thoughts turn to the upcoming quarter

On Monday, students will start third quarter. The end of the quarter can bring stress to students with the big finals. Others, may just like the fact the year is half way done.

“I am happy that third quarter is coming up,” said Freshman Wesley Sanderson. “I can’t believe the year is already half over.”

Many students are excited for the upcoming quarters. For teachers they get to meet new students and learn new names. People will all take this is different ways.

For science teacher Mrs. Busch, she has taken it in a both positive and negative way. This is Busch’s first year teaching at Buffalo High School. “I am super excited to see the students I have had grow up,” said Busch. “It’s already been a great year, and I am just anxious to see what the future holds with the new students coming into the classroom as well.”

With the year already half over, there is some people who are sad about it. For Senior, Valerie Ostvig, it is upsetting because it is their last year. “I am very sad to leave newspaper, there is so many new young talents coming into it.” said Ostvig. “It is amazing to be around and it will be sad to leave that and my friends.”

One way or another it is another quarter beginning. “It’s already been a great year, and I am just anxious to see what the future holds with the new students coming into the classroom.” said Busch.

By Kate Leipholtz

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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