
BHS Has Had a Winter Dance Before, Why Not Have One Again?

The class of '22 didn't get a Homecoming or a Prom last year, could this make up for it?

In a school like BHS there are few days each year that allow any and all students to have a night to jump, dance, and have fun with all their friends and fellow students. BHS only has two of these events throughout each school year. Homecoming, which takes place in late September or early October, and Prom in early May. Unlike BHS, most schools have three, four, or even five yearly dances. These come in the form of a winter dance, a Valentine’s dance, or a girls-choice dance. With BHS only having 2 events a year, and one of them being upperclassmen exclusive, one or more students believe that more events should be held.

Almost every year one student will create a petition or something similar in an attempt to get another dance at the High School. This year, the petition was created by BHS senior Ellie Carik and it made its way around the school in late September amassing over 450 signatures. With the lack of a Homecoming and Prom for the class of 2022 last year, Ellie, and many other students, wanted a ‘replacement‘ dance for what they had missed.

Now, planning a dance isn’t as easy as DJ + students = profit, there is a lot more that comes in behind the scenes. Many things have to culminate just right for a school-wide dance to occur; the venue has to be booked, the DJ has to be hired, decorations have to be bought and used, and there has to be a student body to plan all of this. For Homecoming, the dance is planned, made, and funded by Student Council. Matthew Scherber ‘23, a member of the 2022 Student Council, was able to shed some light on what goes on in the making of a dance.

In this year’s senior class meeting, consisting of one member from each senior advisory class as well as BHS principal Mr. Mischke, the possibility of having another school dance was discussed. With interest by both parties, the chances seemed ever more likely. 

After previously having a winter dance at BHS, the possibility of being able to have one now is almost certain. With all of this in mind, what is the final checklist before this old tradition could be revived? With all of the public/student support on the petition, the main requirement for this to happen is an overseeing student club or group that can run the whole event. Like Student Council with Homecoming, a student body needs to be put together in order to define the details and put the pieces together. From there, it’s that body’s job to smooth everything out as well as deal with finalizing the venue, decorations, DJ, and any other school requirements.

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