
Teachers teach Teachers

On Wednesday, October 14th, while the students of BHS were on MEA break, all 350 teachers attended lessons to learn about technology. Not only did teachers teach teachers, but some of our fellow classmates gathered to teach our staff also.

A speech by Spanish Teacher Daryl Boeckers started off the day. Teachers had the option of taking two, two hours classes or four, one hour classes. The teachers that taught the teachers gathered in sessions of 30 people in each classroom, while the few students that taught the teachers gathered in sessions of 10 people in each classroom.

” I think it was a really cool day, ” says Boeckers. ” I enjoyed my time teaching that day”.

Boeckers, Science teachers Micah Morris and Edward Cox all gathered in separate rooms to teach the technology of Moodle. Journalism teacher Ryan McCallum taught Web 2.0. Dave Robinson taught the technology based program of Inspiration. Business teachers Brenda Deikman taught Power Point Excel/Acrobat, and Jennifer Kremers taught Word.

“It took my class a half an hour just to open a blank Photoshop document. I was getting frustrated with my class toward the end,” said Morehouse.

Junior Allison Kiernan and Senior Alison Geelan both taught the technology based program Indesign. Senior Joel Morehouse taught Photoshop, and Junior Nina Downer who also taught Photoshop and Flickr.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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